On today’s Watchman Newscast, host Erick Stakelbeck is joined by the Kwak brothers to break down why the year 2030 is so pivotal for the Great Reset agenda—and how the push for global government and a digital currency is growing at an alarming rate. Does this sinister movement have prophetic implications? Watch now! #GreatReset #KwakBrothers #GlobalGovernment #TheWatchman Subscribe to the Kwak Brothers on YouTube @TheKwakBrothers. Check out the full special, "What is the Great Reset?" on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/VKAxtkJjETM Shop The Watchman merch now: https://shop.tbn.org/the-watchman/ Check out our channel for MORE and be sure to subscribe. https://www.youtube.com/c/TheWatchmanwithErickStakelbeck?sub_confirmation=1 Watch full episodes of The Watchman with Erick Stakelbeck for FREE on the TBN App: https://watch.tbn.org/the-watchman-with-erick-stakelbeck The Watchman Show is LIVE Thursdays 10PM ET // Fridays 6:30PM ET on TBN FOLLOW ERICK: http://twttr.com/erickstakelbeck http://fb.me/erickstakelbeck http://instagr.am/erick.stakelbeck http://erickstakelbeck.com